The Super 4 : Dark Death Read online

Page 20



  “A-CHOOO!” I sneezed. I wiped my nose with a tissue. I was currently surrounded in tissues. My bin was full as was my nose. I had had to stay home from school, so I was watching Total Wipeout! on my laptop. I was now on Season 4 Episode 3. I was watching some celebrities trying to avoid getting hit on the sucker punch. I saw a guy Dad knew getting punched right in between the legs! I had got to mention that next time I saw him! My laughter soon turned into a ginormous cough. I blew my nose on the tissue and added it to my tissue wall.

  A knock came on my door. “Harrison?”

  “Yeah, mum?”

  She opened the door. “I have some chicken soup for you.”


  She placed a steaming bowl of spicy chicken soup next to me.

  I picked up a spoon and blew on the soup. I swallowed the burning soup. The spices reinvigorated me. “Hooot!” I complained, Waving my hand in front of my mouth. My powers made me impervious to actual flames, but heated liquids were beyond them.

  “Blow on it.” Mum advised.

  “I did!” I protested.

  Mum stood up. “Well, call me when you’ve finished!”

  “Okay!” I replied, my eyes fixed on the screen. Mum shook her head and exited my room.

  I laughed as I watched dad’s friend attempt to succeed in the bouncing balls challenge. Then I went into another coughing fit. I spooned some of the soup into my mouth.

  Once again the spices reawoke my senses as it passed down my throat. I continuously spooned the soup in my mouth. The soup was soon gone.

  I absentmindedly pushed the bowl of soup away and scooted closer to my laptop. Round 2! Dad’s friend didn’t make it.

  I was watching a person attempt to cross over the next challenge, when my phone vibrated. It was a text from Jake:

  Jake: Hey. Hows it going?

  Me: Bad. my cold is really annoying!

  Jake: srry. well u didnt miss much. schools is a boring as ever!

  Me: Haha!

  Jake: What u doing l8r?

  Me: Um. nothing

  Jake: cool. if ur feeling bettr meet me at HQ.

  Me: k

  Jake: cool. c ya ther.

  Me: Bye

  Jake: bye

  I gave my nose a final blow and checked the time: 12:12. I had to be ready to meet Jake in three hours. Starting with a shower.

  I dragged myself out of bed and over to the bathroom. When I was done I engulfed myself in flames to evaporate the water and kill any leftover germs. I stepped into some shorts and a T-Shirt. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I was ready.

  The time was: 12:58. I settled back into bed and continued watching Total Wipeout! Two girls and a guy made it to the finals.

  It was half past one when the episode finished. I yawned and stretched. The girl with the auburn hair won the round, followed by the blond guy and third was the brunette. I was rooting for the brunette.

  I got out of bed to help myself to some cereal. It might be the middle of the day, but you can’t deny the awesome flavour of cereal. Especially Cinnamon Toast Crunch, which was practically bursting with sugar. Even milk couldn’t clear it of it’s delicious ‘cinnamon’ -I’m seventy percent sure that it’s just plain sugar!

  I had completed three bowls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and I was well into my fourth, when Mum came down.

  “Harrison,” She lectured, “How many times have I told you, don’t stuff your face with that sugar!”

  “A few.” I said, between mouthfuls. “It’s just too delicious mum! Try it!”

  She shook her head and walked over to the bowl. At first i thought she was actually gonna try it. But no, she confiscated my bowl of sugar.

  “I’ll give that to the dogs!” She announced.

  I groaned, “But mum! Duke hates cinnamon!” I informed her. “Remember? Last time he threw up!”

  “Then I’ll feed it to Yoncé!”

  “Urgh!” You see Duke was this huge golden retriever I got when I was five. I named him. But then last year Tessa got this small Swedish Vallhund. True it was cute, but Yoncé? I mean come on! The dog was male! “All right! What time is it?”

  She checked her phone. “Two twenty.”

  “Can I go to my tree house in an hour?” I asked, innocently.



  Mum walked off with the bowl of sugar. I sighed unhappily. Then I got a plastic cup, poured some of the cereal in it, got a spoon and ran all the way to my room. I avoided the elevator: it would make me a sitting duck.

  I started another episode of Total Wipeout!.

  I checked the time. 3:28. I was a little early. School wouldn’t end for another two minutes. I sneezed.

  I flew over the wall and inspected my previous handiwork. Everything looked fine. I made a couple fireballs for fun and walked around the perimeter of the wall. There wasn’t anything wrong, so I went into HQ and grabbed a soda. It was 3:30. Jake would be here in about ten seconds.

  I was wrong. He got here in six seconds.

  “Hi J-” I was interrupted by his slamming into the opposite wall.

  Stifling a laugh, I flew over. “Jake? Are you all right?”

  Jake looked up at me with blank eyes. “Dark. So dark! Evil! Evil!! Dar-” He looked me over, “Who are you?”

  “Oh no.” I whispered. Jake continued his madman ravings.

  Dark. Evil. The Shadow. This was bad. No, this was absolutely terrible!