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The Super 4 : Dark Death Page 22



  I looked over Jake as he slept. He had waken once, so Doctor Chatterjee invited us to see him. But by the time we got there he was asleep. He snored, but I didn’t care. I only cared about the word he kept on muttering in his sleep.


  I literally swooned and cried when I heard it. I mean, come on, it’s not every day a hot boy gets amnesia, forgets who you are and then starts muttering your name because your the first person he remembers, is it?

  And he didn’t mutter ‘mom’ once! Okay, maybe that’s a little harsh, but hey! It’s my thoughts not hers! Plus I’ve been a bit emotional with the whole Kevin and Karen thing. Urgh! The K-Twins! Ugh! I felt like I was choking on a hairball.

  “Carly?” asked Jake’s mum, genuine care touched her voice, “Are you alright?”

  “Oh. I’m fine Mrs Patterson, thanks for worrying.” I responded.

  “No prob, girlfriend!”

  I laughed. I know where Jake gets his humor from. As well as his hotness! Jake’s parents were really good-looking! And his sister Jane was adorable! Her lovely blond hair and sky blue eyes. Awww! People even mistook us for twins, because of Jane’s over-average height. I was so happy! I’ve always wanted a little sister. I mean, sure I’ve got Hilde but it’s not the same. I mean we don’t look that alike. But Jane and I were like twins!

  I mean I’m not even that pretty. I know I’m not ugly or anything, but I certainly wasn’t like my beautiful mother. No where close to Mama. But Jane, she was gorgeous.

  Sometimes I wonder how they mistake us for being related.

  “Carly.” I heard Jake mutter. The sound of his voice shook me out of my thoughts. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and focused on the way his forehead turned into that cute nose and then continued down to his-.

  “Carly?” asked his mum. “You’re crying. I mean… you’re tearing up. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  I wiped a tear from my eye and nodded. “I’m fine.”

  “Cool beans.”

  I laughed again. Jake’s Mum was awesome!

  I noticed another snore next to me. This one was more of a heavy breathing then a snore though. I looked next to me. It was Harrison.

  I checked the time. It was nearly seven o’clock. Darryl had to go to the FTK as it closed early on school days.

  Harrison’s cold had completely disappeared after getting some pills from the doctor. He called his Mum to tell her what happened. He was instantly granted permission to stay.

  After all, there was only a week left in school. All tests were over and the report cards were being set home on the Thursday before we vacated for summer.

  I nudged Harrison awake.

  “Wha?” He said, confused. “Where am I- oh.”

  I giggled silently into my hand. “Wakey, wakey sleepy. It’s morning.”

  Harrison shot straight up. “What?” he shouted.

  Jake also awoke. “Harrison! Shut up! I’m trying to slee-”

  He was interrupted by his mother crushing him in a bear hug. “Oh my baby boy! You’re alright!” She checked him over. Tears of joy ran down her face.

  Jake smiled uncertainly then looked around. “Why am I at Island Harbor?” He asked.

  “You don’t remember?” He shook his head. “You had amnesia!”

  “Wha-” He started, then a look of understanding washed over him. “Right! Now I remember!”

  “Well,” his mother said. “Time to leave.”

  They got off the bed. “Not so fast, Mrs Patterson,” said Dr. Chatterjee. “Jake needs to stay overnight to ensure he’s alright! You’re invited to stay too.” The doctor smiled reassuringly at her.

  “Oh.” she said, surprised. “Well Harrison and Carly, thanks for staying, you can go now.”

  I shrugged and said goodbye.


  “Bye Mrs Patterson!” said Harrison. “See you later, Jake!”

  Jake nodded. “See you!”

  “Bye Jake.” I said.

  “Bye Carly.” His eyes lingered on me a bit longer than normal. I blushed and he looked away. Now I was certain more than ever that he had a crush on me.

  I had a huge smile planted on my face the entire way home.

  I rang the doorbell once and leaned on a nearby wall. Ahhh. Jake. I imagined his beautiful face. His deep, inviting emerald eyes. His longish, messy mop of beautiful blond hair. His muscular physique. His chiseled face. Ahh. Beauty.

  Papa opened the door, snapping me out of my vivid daydream. My hand was waving in the air, visualizing stroking his soft hair.

  I put my hand down, embarrassed, and waltzed into the house.

  I felt like I was floating on Cloud Nine. I practically flew up the stairs. I twirled in my bedroom, I flipped, I danced to some love songs. No feeling on Earth could match my extreme happiness. I wanted this moment to last forever, so I wrote it down in my diary.

  Dear Diary,

  So Jake had amnesia and all, but what I’m really happy about, is that he stared at me! OMG! I love him sooo much! He’s amazing! And you’ll never guess what happened before that! So he couldn’t remember me and all, but then when he was sleeping he kept muttering my name! My name! He didn’t say Harison Harrison or mum! Nope! He said Carly! That’s me! I’m Carly! OMG! I’m literally screaming right now! I can’t believe it! This is the best thing that’s happened to me my entire life!!!

  Even better than my report card. It’s literally the best day of my life! And he stared at me! Did I mention that? It’s awesome! He actually looked right at me! It was as if… as if… he was in LOVEEEEEE!!!!!! OMG!!!!!

  But… could it be true? Could I be right? OMG! I’m freaking out right now! I’ve got to call Alex!

  Wait never mind. I forgot for a moment that me and Alex were officially EBFF’s. Ex-Best friends forever. :( I can’t believe I’m saying this but… I actually miss her. In fact I do know why I’m saying this! We were like BFF’s! I have GOT to CALL HER!

  Wish me luck! Here goes nothing.

  Yours Sincerely,

  Carly M.

  p.s. I’ll tell you what happened later, k?

  After some pacing, I finally gathered enough courage to call Alex. I cleared my throat. I pressed Alex’s name on my phone and waited for her to answer.

  At first I expected her to either ignore it completely or hang up. Instead she picked up the phone.

  “Alex?” I asked uncertainly.

  Then I had to hold the phone away from my ear, as Alex started screaming. I smiled: this was going better than planned.

  “I’ve got so much to tell you!” I gushed, excitedly. “So…”