The Super 4 : Dark Death Read online

Page 7

It was Sanjit.



  “They caught my Mum yesterday.” Darryl informed me, with a neutral tone in his voice.

  “Aren’t you sad?” I asked disbelievingly. I know I would feel terrible if Mum went to jail.

  “Not really,” he said, “We weren’t exactly best buddies!” His voice was dripping with too much excess sarcasm.

  “Oh.” I said.

  He sighed and adjusted his position on the hospital bed.

  I don’t usually mind hospitals, but this place was eerily quiet. It made me wonder about the quality of the service here.

  But Darryl didn’t seem to mind so it must be okay. But then again his mother was evil and he’d lived in tiny houses for years.

  “So, how’s school?” Darryl asked, interrupting my conscious-self wars.

  “Only you would think of that!” I informed him.

  He shrugged, and looked at me pointedly.

  I sighed. “Same old, same old.” I said.

  Darryl looked pleased with that answer. I shook my head, reminding myself that this was the guy who punished himself for getting anything less than his favorite number, one hundred and three. In school all his marks had to be at least one hundred and three percent.

  Darryl opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, when Nurse Kate walked in. She smiled at me, making my stomach happy with queasiness, and gave Darryl a tray of food.

  “Do you want some?” She squeaked at me.

  I looked at Darryl happily enjoying his tuna sandwich and shook my head.

  “No thanks,” I told her, “I don’t like tomatoes.”

  She shrugged and left the room.

  I looked at Darryl, in what I thought was an expectant look.

  “What?” he asked.

  I had thought wrong.

  “You were about to say something when Nurse Kate came.” I reminded him. He looked confused for a while, but then a look of remembrance washed over his face.

  “Oh right...Umm…” He struggled to remember, “Oh got it!” He announced, proudly, “Um...How goes training?”

  I smiled. I wondered if I could show him without looking like a show-off, but being a show-off.

  “I could probably show you if you’d want?”

  He nodded excitedly.

  I had hit the jackpot!

  I formed an image in my mind.

  A little drop of fire appeared above Darryl’s eyes. Then, the ball grew long tentacles and a hat. I added a cane for fun. Then, I made the octopus dance around the room. Tipping his hat, every few minutes.

  A look of excitement appeared on Darryl’s face.

  It quickly vanished when a door opened. Darryl’s friend’s, Sanjit, came inside the room.

  “Why does this place smell like burning wood?” He asked. Sanjit was not one for courtesies.

  “It’s Henry’s new cologne.” Darryl said quickly.

  Henry was my new name. I decided I didn’t want people lording over me, as if I would put them in jail. My decision to remain anonymous took roughly two seconds. Although it was closer to negative one.

  “What’s it called?” asked Sanjit.

  “…” I struggled to make a name. Then it hit me. “Magma.”

  “Hmmm….” Sanjit said, buying my rubbish answer. “You might want to check the refund policy.”

  “Why?” I asked, before I realized the intention of his words. It was a Sanjit type of joke. “Uh... I meant...Heh-heh! Hardy-haha. Um...yeah.” I was pathetic at fake laughter. For not-the-first-time I wished that I had Jake’s amazing dramatic skills. That would’ve saved me on many occasions. Way too many occasions!

  “Was that another attempt at false dramatic guffawing?” Sanjit asked.

  I was lost. “What’s guffawing?”

  He made a disapproving noise. “It’s a form of laughter.”


  There was an uneasy silence for a while after that. I looked at my shoes, obviously avoiding Sanjit’s intelligent eyes. Darryl broke the silence.

  “Sanjit!” He said enthusiastically. “Why don’t you show Harrison- uh Henry your theory of the solution to blindness?”

  He fell for it completely.

  I whispered thanks to Darryl as Sanjit launched into a full description of the job of an eye and how it could be replaced.

  I quickly regretted my thanks.

  I was lost. But Darryl seemed to be following along nicely. I wondered if that would be his next invention. Robot eyes. I imagined dramatic music playing in te background.

  “So what is your particular opinion on the topic of my speech?” He asked, in his fancy language. Darryl told me he only did it when I was around. I failed to feel gratitude towards him for purposely using very formal English.

  “Uh…” I said, struggling to find the right words. “I think you could accomplish it better with camera eyes.”

  “Huh!” He said shocked, “I didn’t think of that!”

  “ know me!” I said. “Full of surprises! Heh...”


  Darryl watched the whole scene unfold with great amusement. That was my fancy speech! Take that Sanjit!

  I flew home.

  I had been practicing my flying secretly.

  When everyone was snoring, I would creep outside through my window. Then I would fly to Mt. Baker.

  Mt. Baker used to erupt frequently, but it’s been dormant for a while so I wasn’t that worried.

  I flew there and began practicing my lava techniques. At first I doubted I could make lava, because lots of sources said lava was molten rock.

  But after my first attempt, all those many weeks ago, I had gone from a feeble little lava golf ball, to a massive pillar.

  I also discovered that if you left the lava to cool on a particularly cool night it would become rock. Solid rock.

  That was why Carly was waiting for me on Mt Baker tonight just before midnight.

  Yesterday I had told her my theory. I thought that if we could make a solid enough wall, we could probably make a great defense.

  Not that there has been any danger at all. And I had discovered that I didn’t need heat to make fire.

  That was awesome!

  I arrived at Mt. Baker as the sky was changing from blue to pitch black.

  I found Carly playing with some snow.

  “I didn’t know you could do that.” I said.

  She whipped around immediately. Lashing at me with an icy whip. I narrowly dodged it and had just regained my senses, when a wave of water came at me.

  I made a shield of fire around me just in time. The water sizzled and evaporated. But she wasn’t done.

  She closed her eyes and raised her hands. A fog swept around us.

  Within a few moments I couldn’t see anything. Lightning crackled in the background.

  I was entertained at first but now I was getting bored. I melted.

  As I melted I realized something. My name was Magma, but I never realized that my liquid form might actually be lava. That would explain my weird lava abilities.

  I flew upwards in lava form pondering this latest discovery.

  But yet another wave of water shocked out of my senses. Thankfully it wasn’t a literate thought. I shuddered.

  Then remembering I was in liquid form, I suddenly realized that I was swirling around. I was separating.

  I quickly made myself human again. Then I pressed my fire amulet.

  Immediately my costume formed around me. I made myself heat up.

  All around me the water started boiling and hissing. I didn’t stop until it disappeared into the air. Literally.

  I flew straight upwards and out of sight. Then I circled back and came up behind Carly.

  I tapped her shoulder and made a fire sword. She jumped and then smiled.

  “Fine!” She sighed, “You win!”

  My mouth dropped open. “That was a game!” I yelled.

  She nodded. “Hello? Have
you forgotten the whole secrecy thing?” She asked. “I’m not as dumb as I look!” She rubbed her arms as if cold.

  I made a fire and looked questionably at her. She smiled and shook her head.

  “I make ice Harrison! I don’t get cold that often.”

  I put my flame out. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Huh? Oh...umm...Nothing.”

  I stared at her.

  “Alright! It was the twins!”

  “Kevin and Karen?” I asked stupidly.

  “No Harrison! Bob and Kate!” She said sarcastically.

  I jumped back, as if bitten. Carly used to be the nicest person on earth. I wasn't used to her sarcasm.

  “I’m sorry Harrison! It was just that I hate being treated like some kind of rainless Blondie!” She apologized. “I just wish they knew I wasn’t some Barbie doll! My head isn’t empty!”

  She looked off into the distance. Her eyes shone as if wet. They probably were.

  “Carly! You’re the smartest girl I know!” I told her, truthfully. “You are the last person I would say was a plastic doll. First would obviously be Karen and Kevin!” I said. Then I found a joke I could say. “Kevin would be Barbie and Karen, Ken! It’s a perfect match!”

  Carly choked out a laugh. She wiped her nose and dried her eyes using her waterpower. “Now let’s do what we were here for! She said in a gravelly voice. I smiled at her and told her the plan.

  She smiled.



  I was chilling out in my bedroom making force fields hold my textbooks open.

  I was still very serious about this whole studying thing. So far I had managed to push my grades up to a 75.

  If I managed to increase my grade by three percent, I wouldn’t have to go to summer school! No textbooks stopping me from freedom and fun times.

  I couldn’t concentrate anymore, because the visions of enjoying some rocky road were just too overwhelming.

  My imagination took place and soon I was floating in a pool of rocky road. I sighed and closed my eyes. My sister put a sad stop to my beautiful vision.

  “Jake!” She said, poking her head inside my room. “Mom said it’s time for dinner!”

  “OK!” I yelled back. “Just coming!”

  I put the textbook down and got off my bed.

  I was just going up the stairs, when my phone beeped. I raced down and read it.

  Chat: Harrison WHITE, Carly MARTINSEN, Darryl KLEIN

  Harrison: Hey Jake! What up? Meet in the tree house after dinner? C ya there! :)

  Carly: Don’t be l8!

  Harrison: Yah!

  My phone beeped consistently as they continued to remind me. Finally, Carly checked if I was still there.

  Carly: Jake? U there?

  Me: I’m here.

  Me: *here

  Carly: Kay. C ya l8er!

  Harrison: Bye

  Me: Bye

  “JAKE!” My father boomed. “HERE NOW!!”

  “Coming!” I replied.

  I raced up the stairs and was entering the dining room, before they could blink.

  “What’s for dinner?” I asked.

  “Leftovers.” Dad said.

  “Which ones?” I asked sarcastically.

  “The macaroni and cheese.” He replied, missing my sarcasm.


  “Your father worked extremely hard on that you know!” My mother scolded me.

  Dad was the chef d’état in this house. But my French wasn’t exactly exquisite. So it could either mean head of state or chef of status. I wasn’t sure. I found the French language to be designed for geniuses like Darryl.

  “My most humble apologies father.” I said in my best posh, sorry accent. “I had no idea of the offense I would cause you by doing what I so unkindly did. How will you ever forgive me?”

  “It’s alright son. I forgive you!” He said.

  I smiled.

  But of course Mom ruined it.

  “Don’t listen to him Hank! He’s only acting!” Mom reprimanded him.

  “Oh. You were?” Dad asked disbelievingly.

  “Why I would never do such a horrible thing Dad!” I acted shocked.

  “Yes you would!” piped up Jane.

  Jane’s talent lay in soccer and annoying me. She was unfortunately amazing at both.

  “Shut up Jane!” I hissed between my teeth. “Stop. Tattling...snitch!”

  Sadly, Mom caught the last word and demanded an apology out of me.

  Jane stuck out her tongue as I was apologizing. Mom also forced her to apologize. I smiled at her and she attacked me as viciously as a cougar.

  “Jane! Bed NOW!” Mom yelled.

  “B-b-but Jake. He-” She trailed off, looking at mom’s furious expression and her extended arm pointed upwards.

  She gave me one last dirty look and stormed off. My super hearing caught her muttering some very specific words about me.

  I smiled. What a little baby!

  “And you can go too!” Mom yelled at me. “And wipe that little smile of your face!”

  I leaped up and walked out of the room.

  There was obviously something going on at work.

  If mom’s company failed, then we would have to live off the sixty million dollars in their bank account. I shuddered. Only sixty million? How would we survive?

  If Harrison’s Dad lost his job they’d still do well. What with mansions all over the world? They could survive with thirty million dollars. But could my family?

  My phone rang just then. I touched ‘Answer’.

  “Yeah?” I asked.

  “Jake? Where are you?” Carly asked.

  “Oh man! I forgot! I’m so sorry! On my way now.”

  “Okay! Hurry!”

  I smiled. “You know me! I’m pretty quick!”

  I cut the call and went upstairs.

  Thankfully Mom wasn’t there, so I didn’t have to face her evil wrath.

  “Bye, dad! Out for a walk! Visiting Carly!”

  “Bye, son!” answered Dad. “Have fun! Be back in twenty minutes before your mother notices!”


  I zoomed towards the tree house at about three hundred miles per hour. I arrived in less than thirty seconds.

  “Finally!” Carly said.

  “So what’s the big deal?” I asked.

  “We have something to show you!”

  “Well what is it?” I asked impatiently.

  Carly looked at Harrison and they both smiled mischievously.

  “If you insist.” Said Harrison. “Take a seat.”

  I sat on an icy cold chair next to Darryl.

  “Any idea what this is about?” I asked.

  “Nope.” He replied.

  We settled back to watch the show. Carly had made a stage of ice. And now she and Harrison were making a decent sized fog.

  “Gentlemen!” Announced Harrison. “I present to you Michelangelo!”

  The fog settled and died into nothingness. Carly made a sphere of water and was waiting patiently. Harrison raised his hands and made lava in the shape of a fire. Carly then showered it with water.

  When the smoke had died, a rocky fire lay in the middle of the stage.

  Darryl and I applauded, as Harrison and Carly held hands and bowed.

  I couldn’t stop the pangs of jealousy that went off inside as they hugged each other.

  I forced a smile and clapped, as Darryl yelled Again! Again!

  Harrison and Carly smiled and nodded.

  Harrison made a self-portrait of himself out of lava. Sighing, Carly doused it with water. She made a waving motion with her hands to make the smoke disappear.

  A perfect image of Harrison lay in its place.

  Harrison proceeded to make statues of all of us. Finally he made a tree. On the tree were the words: The Super 4

  I smiled. That was to be our superhero team name. The Super 4. I liked that. Our team. Our superhero team.

  There was only one th
ing left to do. I started by using my force field to move the tree right in front of the tree house. Then, came the statues. The fire I left alone. I hoped Harrison wouldn’t notice, but sadly he did.

  “Hey! What about my fire?” He asked, annoyed.

  “It doesn’t show team support.” I informed him.

  “Fine then!”

  He shut his eyes. Soon a hammer of lava appeared. Carly sprayed that.

  Next was a lightning bolt. Curly happily sprayed that.

  Finally a sphere surrounded by three lines appeared.

  When that to was sprinkled, I obligingly moved it under the tree. Or more accurately I put Harrison’s directly under the tree. Carly’s on the left branch, and Darryl’s on the right branch. I carefully positioned my sphere at the top of the tree.

  Harrison then made a fifteen-foot tall wall of lava surrounding the entire tree house.

  Frowning, Carly made a rainstorm directly overhead.

  “This way,” explained Harrison, “Only we can get in. I could fly over, you could bounce on your force fields, you can use your stretchiness and Carly can use an icy bridge!”

  “Well then, we better stop coming here with Tess, huh?” Said Carly.

  “Oh no! How unfortunate!” Harrison said maliciously.

  We all laughed.

  I looked at the time on my phone. 8:17pm.

  I cursed under my breath. I was going to be grounded for sure!

  “Guys, I have to go!” I told them. “My mom’s going to kill me! Bye!”

  I zoomed away before they could respond. Or blink.

  I snuck in as silently as possible. But then I stopped when I heard the snores coming from the couch. I relaxed immediately.

  But then I remembered that neither of my parents snored.

  I looked around. There were pictures of cats everywhere. In fact there were cats themselves everywhere!

  I suddenly realized that in my confusion I must’ve gone to the cat man’s house. He lived right next to us and was a complete psycho! He polished his guns every fortnight!

  I was creeping out of his house, when I accidentally stepped on a fat ginger cat’s tail.

  I held my breath.